Penelope Karageorge
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Author Archives: Penelope Karageorge
A prize-winning poet, Penelope Karageorge cultivates wide-ranging literary interests. Her new poetry collection, The Neon Suitcase, was just published by Somerset Hall Press. Her first poetry collection, Red Lipstick and the Wine-Dark Sea, was published by Pella Publishing. Her poetry has been collected in ten anthologies including Pomegranate Seeds: An Anthology of Greek-American Poetry; The Literature of Work (University of Phoenix Press); and Literal Latte: The Anthology. She is the author of two novels, Murder at Tomorrow (Walker Publishing) and Stolen Moments (Pinnacle Books), which was published in England as Winners and in Germany as New York, New York. A former Newsweek reporter and publicity director of People magazine, as a freelance journalist she writes frequently about the arts, personalities and popular culture. A graduate of Simmons College, she earned a Master’s Degree in English from the City University of New York, where she was an adjunct professor of English. She is director of The Greek-American Writers Association. She grew up in Newburgh, New York, and lives in Manhattan. A first-generation Greek-American, she summers on the Greek island of Lemnos. Her film script, a romantic comedy, Drinking the Sun, set on Lemnos, will be produced in 2016.