
By W.F. Lantry

I half believe all wines exist at once
within this glass, I almost half believe
each can be tasted singly, while the whole
is savoured. But the thought is delicate
and open to dispute: Falerian
mixed in with new Bordeaux? I half assume

that in this garden, everything contends
in flowering, with every other bloom:
fritillary and nightshade in one space
at once with Lenten rose and cosmos, sown
with careless imprecision through the beds
as if the gardener had a plan, and these

all intersect together, politics,
this garden, words and sex, remembering
that lyric narrative's sequential, eyes
follow this page, our lips make lines, and yet
sound's meaning, and the known is what we feel
while all our complex memories converge.
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About W.F. Lantry

W.F. Lantry, a native of San Diego, received his Licence and Maîtrise from the Université de Nice, M.A. in English from Boston University and Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Houston. The recipient of the Paris/Atlantic Young Writers Award, the Lindberg Foundation International Poetry for Peace Award, and the CutBank Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry, his work has appeared in The Wallace Stevens Journal, Prairie Fire, Writing for Human Rights, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Now Culture, Kritya Journal of Poetry and Gulf Coast. He currently works in Washington, DC.

One Trackback

  • By New Publications « W.F. Lantry on October 2010 at 7:06 pm

    […]  print*    Mad Poets Review –     Volume 23 (Fall 2010) 114 10-15-2010       Fritillary Literal  Latté   (Oct 2010) Ed. Jenine Bockman 10-11-2010       Kiste    print    […]

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