The anthology is out.
The Anthology: Highlights from Fifteen Years of a Unique “Mind Stimulating” Literary Magazine is now available. Click the cover below to order the paperback edition from Amazon (it is also available in hardcover):
Here’s the press release:
The anthology collects the best brewed stories, poems, and essays from New York’s unique free literary magazine, Literal Latté, which stimulates writers’ careers and readers’ minds.
For fifteen years, New York’s community literary paper, Literal Latté, has kept free thought free, developed new writers, and fed hungry readers. Debuting in 1994, Literal Latté filled a void for aspiring writers and editors. In a world where it is almost impossible to get published without an agent and almost impossible to get an agent without getting published, Literal Latté provides a much-needed missing link.
Serving up thirty-thousand free copies in New York’s coffeehouses, book stores, and arts organizations, the editors published the highest level of new literature — a feast in many flavors. Now this feast is free to the world online. Suddenly, good writing, in a friendly and accessible format, became as popular as cappuccino.
This eclectic collection of short fiction, poetry, essays, and nonfiction will dazzle any lover of good writing. Each selection is fascinating, and the writing, delectably varied, is flawless and focused. The Bockmans have masterfully swirled forty-five pieces into an enticing brew. So, pour that cup of Joe, pick up a pair of biscotti, and prepare to be thoroughly entertained.
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